Grow Your Email List With MC4WP

A recent digital marketing study showed that for every dollar invested to grow your email list on average, over 40 dollars are made in return. This amount can be greater for businesses that retain their customers over a longer time span.

Growing a mail list over time with a number of inbound sources can become an asset.

What are the Benefits of Building an Email List?

It may sound like a tedious task, however, building an email list is not that difficult and can really skyrocket our bottom line. The two main benefits of growing an email list are:

1. It Doesn’t Cost a Lot To Grow Your Email List

We already have a website, why not use this piece of online real estate to grow your email list? The cost of doing so is small and the return on our investment can be significant.

2. Direct Communication with Audience

Search engines and social media platforms are always changing their terms of use and their algorithms. These changes affect what we can and cannot do while using their services. An email list allows us to by-pass these restrictions by communicating directly with our audience.

Unlike social media platforms your email will reach your entire list, not a portion of it.

What is MailChimp?

MailChimp is what is called an autoresponder service. It is an online platform that allows us to build and maintain email lists.

How Can I Build An Email List Using the MC4WP Plugin for WordPress?

WordPress, a content management system, is the most efficient way to build our website. Mailchimp users can grow an email list using the MC4WP plugin for WordPress by simply installing this plugin on their website and adjusting the settings accordingly. All that is necessary is for the MC4WP plugin to become operational is for it to interface with our MailChimp account.

Boosting Email Sign-Ups

Our email list-growing efforts can be further amplified by providing our website’s visitors with a more eye-catching way of signing up. A call to action and a prominent sign-up box can make a measurable difference.

Boost your email sign ups by making it front and center on the pages of your choosing. Also make the sign up box in contrast to the rest of the page so it sticks out.

Here’s some more tips for improving conversions on your website.

Boxzilla for Timed Mail List Sign Up

Simply installing a WordPress plugin to do this for us is the easiest way to go. Boxzilla for timed mail list sign up allows us to create boxes that can either pop up or slide into the screen at any time and ask for visitors to opt into our email list.

Give email list building a try today. It doesn’t take long to set up and can offer a great return on investment.

Check out Mailchimp’s page about integrating the Mailchimp plugin to your site.

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